Weddings and Funerals

Weddings and Funerals

Many of you have probably heard that most families get together at weddings and funerals.  There are many families that may see each other during the year, but very rarely do you see the entire family (i.e., cousins, aunts, uncles, second cousins etc…) come together unless there is a big occasion such as a wedding or funeral.  Why?  Well, we all know life is hectic, we are busy, and its hard to find time for one another.  We live in a day when Facebook is our only way of staying connected.  What happened to the days when we had to call or actually meet to see and reconnect?  I am not saying Facebook isn’t a great way of keeping up with those you love, but nothing can take the place of a voice on the other end of the phone or hug from someone you forgot how much you missed until you see them.  As families and friends, we need to find a way to reconnect and make time for each other.  Life is short.  You don’t want the only picture you have of your family to be at a wedding or a funeral, do you?  My hope is that we find a way to get back to what life is about and what is of value.  A great phone conversation, a huge hug, laughing til your stomach hurts telling old stories, and the love shared between those that make time for each other.  Treasure those that you love and that love you, never regret not taking the time. The cleaning can wait, the computer can wait, the texting and checking Facebook can wait, shopping on amazon can wait, the tv show can wait- record it!  There will come a day that you will be attending a funeral or a wedding and realize you have missed out on the life of one you have loved and those that could have loved you so much more.