Here at Nalley-Pickle & Welch, we count it a deep privilege to honor the sacrifices made by military men and women around the country. Our staff cannot overstate the importance of paying tribute to these heroes, who give so much of themselves to protect the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality. During times of crisis, they jump to our defense with courage that is unmatched. And during times of triumph, they stand alongside the American people, magnifying the very spirit that sets our nation apart.
As Memorial Day approaches, we honor and remember the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our county, thinking especially of those from Midland, Big Spring, Stanton, and other parts of West Texas. Without them, we would not have the precious gift of freedom we so often take for granted. There is no way we can repay these men and women for what they have done for us, for their willingness to serve – and for giving their lives.
We hope you’ll join us for our 38th annual Memorial Day Ceremony on May 27th at 10:00 a.m. at Trinity Memorial Park in Big Spring. In honor of Howard County Veterans, there will be over 100 full-size American flags flying in the Avenue of Flags, which are sponsored by the Veteran’s families. Veterans Organizations of Howard County will participate in a wreath laying ceremony at the main flagpole to honor our veterans both past and present. The Boy Scouts of the Buffalo Trail Council will also be placing miniature American Flags on Veterans graves.
We express our patriotism at Nalley-Pickle & Welch not only on holidays like Memorial Day, but every day through our services for veterans and their families. We take our responsibility to honor military men and women in death very seriously, working closely with their family and friends to create a personalized tribute that celebrates the veteran’s life, passion, and special moments. These arrangements include:
- Providing a United States flag, at no cost, to drape over the casket or urn. The flag is generally given to the next of kin after the funeral.
- Every veteran is entitled to a standard government headstone or marker. Upon request, at no cost to the surviving family member, the VA will furnish the headstone and marker for the gravesite, as long as the Veteran was not dishonorably discharged.
- A military funeral ceremony which features the folding and presenting of the American flag by two uniformed military officers and the customary playing of Taps by a bugler.
- The surviving family will receive a special certificate from the President of the United States, known as the Presidential Memorial Certificate. This document further expresses recognition of the veteran’s dedication to his or her country.
- Many veterans are also eligible for special funeral and burial benefits due to their honorable service.
In additional to these honors, our staff can also help the family design a meaningful service highlighting the veterans’ accomplishments, hobbies, and passions while incorporating pictures of them in uniform, information about their military experience, including years of active service, tour(s) of duty, and any medals or honors received. What a gift to give a veteran a tribute that truly celebrates who they were as an individual.
We make honoring veterans a priority, and want veterans and their families to know they deserve only the best. Most veterans know they can be buried in one of the 135 national cemeteries with space available. Others, though, prefer to be buried close to their family and friends in their hometown in a private cemetery, like our own Trinity Memorial Park. For those veterans with loved ones in Big Spring and Midland, we have several locations with qualified staff ready to plan a respectful military service for our local heroes.
We can help you through all these steps and find out exactly what you are entitled to while planning a funeral for a veteran. We work with these wonderful families often and know the process well. For more information, you can go to http://www.va.gov, or call our funeral home at any time.