Blessing Others
One of the wonderful things that tends to happen at Christmas time is we think about giving. Unfortunately, we don’t think about it as much throughout the year, and I know I am guilty of this. I don’t know about you, but my pocket book is stretched during the holiday season and it seems that there is never enough to do what you would like for everyone. I want to encourage each of you not only to think about giving now but throughout the year. When I speak of giving, it doesn’t always mean financially, it can mean giving of YOURSELF. Giving and blessing others by passing on joy, love, gratitude to others, through a smile, a hug, or word of encouragement. Maybe even letting someone know I am praying for you, I am here for you. My personal goal is to try and spread that enthusiasm for giving and spreading love and joy throughout the year and not just at Christmas. You never know how a small act of kindness can help someone on a bad day. How do you wake up each day? What are you saying to those around you? If someone is in need are you finding a way to help them? Trust me, each and every day I come to work I learn from the families we are serving. There are so many wonderful people that have passed through this life that truly have blessed others. I see and hear it in the testimonies of those whose lives they have touched. Don’t wait for someone to be sick or in need before doing something or saying something wonderful to them. Wake up each day with a feeling of gratitude for what you have and for your health, find a way to bless others, use your talents to benefit the world around you, life is short. Live your life to the fullest. Don’t put what you can do or accomplish in a box. Think big. What will be your story? What will be your legacy when you are gone? What will others say you did to bless their life? By doing these things, you will not only bless others but you will be blessed as well. Tell others how much they mean to you and what you love about them. Hopefully, you will be the one that inspired many and they will share it and pass it on.