If you’re anything like our team at Nalley-Pickle & Welch, you’re taken aback by how time seems to speed up during late summer here in West Texas. Whether you’re reading this blog from Midland, Big Spring, Stanton, or a surrounding community, there’s a feeling of anticipation as summer winds down and families gear up for a new school year.
While this season brims with excitement and fun, many parents and grandparents may also feel uneasy about letting go of their children for so many hours a day. After all, we want to be sure those most special to us are safe and well cared for when they’re out of our sight.
Consider the lengths one Vermont dad went through to ensure his young son’s safety: He built a camera-mounted drone helicopter to follow his son to the bus stop. That way, Dad could keep an eye on his son without having to walk the 400 yards to the bus stop himself, particularly in inclement weather.
Aside from building a “kid-tracking drone,” we’ve come up with a few practical safety tips to consider once the school year is underway. With 80+ years of family ownership behind us, all of us at Nalley-Pickle & Welch take our role in the community very seriously, and we are here for families 24/7. Using these tips, you can better protect your family all year long.
- Provide the school with up-to-date emergency information. Does the school have all of your recent contact numbers on file, along with information on allergies? You can also include a card with important details in your child’s backpack, and teach your child how to use the numbers on the card in case of emergency.
- Get to know your child’s/grandchild’s teacher. Communicating with your child’s teacher throughout the year – not just when issues arise – will help you stay on top of how your child is doing day in and day out. If your child begins to exhibit behavior or attitudes that are unfamiliar at home or at school, you and the teacher can work together to provide necessary support.
- Learn the school’s emergency procedures. Take a few minutes to read the school handbook regarding how emergency situations are handled. How does the school contact parents? Is your child familiar with what he/she needs to do in case of emergency? You want your child to have confidence to act quickly in an emergency situation.
- Talk to your children about the adults they can trust and how to determine who those adults are. Trusted adults are those who help a child stay safe and understand boundaries. Ask your children who the trusted adults are in their life and discuss what makes these people trustworthy.
- Practice the drop-off and pick-up routine before school begins. Whether your child walks, bikes, or is driven by bus or car, make sure to cover the basics about how to do so safely. This includes not darting between cars or across streets outside of the crosswalk.
Our team at Nalley-Pickle & Welch hopes your family has a super start to the school year! If you enjoyed this article, keep in mind that we have a vibrant online Facebook community where we’re able to interact with the families we serve and offer grief resources, information on community events, advice on preplanning, information about the services we offer, and more. We are always available for families and want you to know we care.